Sunday 10 June 2018

Kingdom Death Monster - Zachary

Woohoo - I finally started painting my KDM set!

As you can see, I tried to really push the contrast for the OSL on this one.  Considering it's the first time I've done this, I'm really happy with how it came out.  What does put me in two minds though is the fact that now I've done this, I have to do this for all the survivors and monsters otherwise they will look odd next to each other on the board!

The other thing that happened is that midway through painting this, I lost motivation and it sat there for a couple of weeks while I waited for a spark of interest to return.  Looking back, I've been doing a lot of single minis so I think I need to cleanse my palette by doing some simple army painting (i.e. basecoat and wash).

Sunday 1 April 2018

Zombie game - Smith - Complete

Wow - it's been a long time since I posted an update here.  I actually did a whole bunch of painting at Christmas (when I had some sudden inspiration!) but outside of that ... yeah, it's been a while.

Partly, it was because it got cold in Hong Kong.  Without any real form of heating, you end up wearing so many layers (and still find it's cold!) that fine motor control for painting is the last thing you want to do.  That doesn't fully explain it though.  The reality is that, even after the temperature warmed up, I didn't have much motivation to paint. 

Part of the reason for this is that at some time over the last year, I changed from painting for stress relief to painting for games.  And seeing as my current lifestyle means that I don't have much time to game ... yeah, there went my motivation.

I still don't have much time to game but I do have an intention to do more painting.  Not for stress relief but just so that I can get that measure of satisfaction that comes from looking at a finished mini and saying, "I did that."

Anyway, another finished mini!

A quick paint job but I like how his trousers came out.  And as you can see, I still struggle with black!

Monday 8 January 2018

Zombie game - Zombie Dogz - Complete

An entry in my series of "Anyone can paint"*

As with my other zombie figures, these are painted to a basic tabletop quality.  The paint job consists of a basecoat and wash followed by the blood effects.  Simple, easy, quick while still looking okay on the table.  👍

I didn't even bother painting eyes!

I also didn't bother breaking out my lightbox for these pictures as there isn't much detail to look at.  Slightly larger picture of the dogz below though.

* Not an actual series but it probably ought to be!

Sunday 8 October 2017

Zombie game - Will - Complete

This is an interesting paint job in that it was done at two different times and at two different levels.  I actually started painting it a while ago.  At that time, I was still painting to the usual careful standard that I have been applying to my survivor minis.

However, in the middle of painting this, I took a bit of a painting break.  After I came back, I wasn't very keen on revisiting this mini so I painted the rest of it to a much quicker (and lower) standard.

As a result, you can actually see very clearly which part of the mini was painted before the break and which parts were painted after the break.

Either way, glad to get this mini finished and to move on.

Also, just realised that I forgot to put the blood effect on the zombie version so that's something I'll need to go back and fix.

Saturday 22 July 2017

Zombie game - Helen - Complete

Went back to a quick paint job for my next mini.  Didn't do a good job with the face but given I was going for more of a speedpaint with this min, I'm okay with the end result.

Zombie game - Chuck - Complete

Despite my initial assertions that I would do simpler paint jobs with the aim of getting more minis painted, I couldn't help myself and reverted to type when painting Chuck.  Primarily, I wanted to do a bit of wet blending on the shirt to try and get a nice blend over the belly.

I'm actually really happy with the end result!

Sunday 25 June 2017

Galaxy Defenders - Agent G-Droid - Complete

After another unplanned hiatus, I finally managed to finish some more minis.

This is Robocop Agent G-Droid from Galaxy Defenders.

I used the same technique I previously used in painting the Nexus.  However, I ended up slopping on the blue wash a bit too thickly which resulted in it pooling in certain areas.  oops.

Still, the key thing is that I have now finished painting all of my Galaxy Defenders minis!  Woot!